<aside> ✅ Welcome to your Personal Assistant! It is designed to help you process and organize your life more efficiently! Use it as a template and customize it to fit your specific needs. All grey callouts you’ll see within the templates are meant as a guide to help you understand and use the template, delete all of them as soon as you’re ready to go!



<aside> ✅ This is your navigation bar, you’ll find a version of it in every main page ! It’ll help you navigate more smoothly across your day!








<aside> 📊 Here, at the top, you’ll have an overview of all your active PROJECTS. A PROJECT is an ongoing task of your life, that doesn’t have an end date like a project for example. A project could be your business, work, or even University, etc. When you check the “Active” checkbox on a project/task in the Active Projects page, it will automatically show here. Any time you click to create New Project it will say “New Area” Then can change the attributes to your liking.


<aside> <img src="/icons/activity_blue.svg" alt="/icons/activity_blue.svg" width="40px" /> P R O J E C T S





<aside> <img src="/icons/pencil_gray.svg" alt="/icons/pencil_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Q U I C K V I E W







<aside> ⚙ This is your quick inbox! Capture random thoughts, notes or resources in here and as soon as you assign a date to a task, or an area/project to a note or resource they will disappear from the inbox!


Master Databases

Current Projects With Chat GPT or Content

Project database

Task database

Notes database

Ressource Database

<aside> ⚙ This second brain is completely powered and built on a few master databases, these are not pages but only databases. You’ll find them inside this toggle. You can customize the views of your second brain or even delete some databases views inside pages but do not delete the master databases as they are the source that contains all of the data and information.


<aside> 📎 This is your task manager! As you can see it contains different filtered views of your tasks organized by due date. You have Today’s tasks as well as those due in the next 7 days, the past due tasks and a section for project tasks. When you schedule a task for today anywhere on your second brain, it’ll show up here on the today view!


<aside> <img src="/icons/checkmark_green.svg" alt="/icons/checkmark_green.svg" width="40px" /> T A S K M A N A G E R



Ongoing projects

<aside> ⚙ This section gives you an overview of your projects. It will only show projects that are currently in progress. if the status of the project isn’t “in progress” it will disappear from here!



<aside> ⚙ Within the ressource database, that is a chechbox property that allows you to favorite a ressource if you find it super relevant or if you find yourself using it often. All favorited ressources will show up here!


<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_green.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_green.svg" width="40px" /> F A V O R I T E B O O K M A R K S





<aside> 🕹️ GHIBLI WISDOM→

Remember the path to excellence starts within



This is simply your Task schedule. It’ll allow you to have an overview of all tasks scheduled by date.

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