<aside> ⚙ Here you’ll see all things related to your projects ! All of the next actions, the notes and the resources related to your projects. You’ll also find a project board where you can have an overview of the status of your projects.
<aside> ⚙ Below you’ll see the tasks related to your projects! More specifically, you’ll only view tasks that are coming either today or after today, and only tasks that are related to a project. If a task isn’t related to a project it won’t show here. There’s also an additional view for past due tasks so that you can reschedule them or delete them!
<aside> ⚙ Just drag project from one status to the other as you progress within your project! The archive status group is hidden, but you can still drag a project card into the archive group! You can also see that there is a progress bar that’ll appear for each of your projects overtime you add a task to your project! It will load as you check off and complete the tasks related to a project. You can customize the way the progress looks like visually by clicking on the three dots settings of the database, click on properties —> Progress —> And choose if you want it to be a just a percentage, or a bar, or the way it is now !
PS : Each time you create a new project, this one will automatically populate with a pre-made template that’ll showcase all of that project’s specific relevant information ( Tasks, notes and resources)
<aside> <img src="/icons/archive_green.svg" alt="/icons/archive_green.svg" width="40px" /> P R O J E C T S
Notes and resources
<aside> ⚙ Here you’ll find your project resources and notes organized in a kanban board by project! so if you want to add a note or a resource to a specific project, just add it in that specific’s project group!